
“From the very beginning we were treated in a very professional way. Richard was able to explain in clear manner what WestreamU could offer. The live stream, as well as the on demand versions produced afterwards, was of highest quality. Later we understood that a lot of behind the scenes work was required, but WestreamU delivered. Our live cast became a big success. People from all over the world did indeed watch our Symposium, which meant a high impact for our purpose – to promote KI PRIME, achievements and state of the art of research in medical education.”
Italo Masiello, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Karolinska Institutet

Interested in the background, execution and end result from the livecasts we have produced?

The cases listed below are from our portfolio of productions that are described fully in English. More video samples are available at our Swedish example pages from events, and from our studio.