Today we were honored to produce the live web video cast when a new strategy for supporting people with disabilities was launched by Handisam (Swedish Agency for Disability Policy Coordination) and The Swedish Government Offices. The speakers included Maria Larsson (Minister for Children and the Elderly) and Hillevi Engström (Minister for Employment). Archived versions of the livecasts are avialable (in Swedish) via

During the production I filmed a short “behind the scenes” video clip with my mobile (Samsung Galaxy S II). The clip features (ignore a couple of Swedish words in the beginning) the scene, our main production PC running VidBlaster and my Asus Eee Pad Transformer on which I checked that all the channels were up and running. Warning! don’t try this at work, you might mess things up (we missed moving a camera and I forgot to remove a lower third).

To summarize, in addition to produce a “normal” livecast (three cameras, powerpoints, and some graphics), we also produced live captioning (using remote capblaster), sign interpreters (two channels, local with ZignPlayer and remote chroma keying), and live audio descriptions. It all rocked!

[Update 2011-08-25]: I forgot to mention that everything was streamed using the excellent services from Bambuser.