We are extremealy proud to recognize that one of WestreamU’s productions is featured on VidBlaster’s new front page, as a part of that fantastic live production software’s upgrade to a new version.
Yesterday VidBlaster, the production tool we mainly use for our live productions, launched a new release version. The release of VidBlaster v3 is a major upgrade from v2, offering many new features as well as a number of innovations for efficiency improvements.
The launch also encompasses a lot of new VidBlaster forum topics, a host of revisions in the VidBlaster documentation wiki, and a revised VidBlaster home page and store.
In an earlier blogpost we described Behind the scene at PTS’s very accessible livecast. That video, which is the one featured at VidBlaster.com, documented a production with the old VidBlaster v2.
We are now looking forward to start our migration to v3. This task will take at least a month, as we want to make sure that all our implementations and hardware works flawelessly with the update. As our productions demonstrate, we make the most out of VidBlaster using a complex and somewhat delicate setup.
Our dance partner can do some brave new steps, but it takes two to tango…